

About Us

Musings of a Mr & Mrs and their three daughters. UK family - Real ale, food fancier, fire pit Father - Gin drinking, dressmaking, fashion loving Mother - Three music loving, creative crafting, booking reading, dancing daughters - Livy, Kpops & Peachy Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Saturday, 7 May 2016

You are now entering the tween zone

It's been coming for some time.

We first noticed the mood swings.

Then the crying.

Then the 'I can't sleep' stage happened.

Then after a bit of reading we realised we had entered the TWEEN stage. For real. 

There are now posters on the wall.

I have to say, with three daughters I was dreading this move towards young womanhood, thinking we'd lose our little girls forever and gain emotional, moody, argumentative sulks for the next 10 years.

Poor tweens, they can get bad press and yes some of the above (ok maybe all) is true but I recently changed my outlook after we had a quote of the day from the tween herself "Mummy I wish I knew when my moods were coming"

Bless her, it broke my heart, relevant words on so many levels - I still feel like that now about my own moods - Mr H still feels like that now about my own moods AND his daughters moods! 

Now when we get a ride on the hormonal rollercoaster instead of being pulled into the thunderstorm, I try and take a step back and remember that she's too young to control what's going on and try and focus on the good stuff (some days we still clash, we are still two hormonal humans). 

Yes our little girl is growing up, yes tweenville is turbulent, but what's coming is the sight of a great girl with a great sense of humour (on the good days), good conversation, full of fantastic ideas and plans and it's actually a quite exciting to watch this bundle of hormones grow into a girl on a mission with so much ahead of her and a great feeling of pride that we've winged it so far and done ok. 

The road ahead is a mighty one but I have a feeling it's a rollercoaster ride we wouldn't have any other way :)

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Moonwalk bra decorating with Tiger Peterborough and New College Stamford

When the lovely Georgina from 2prettylittleladies asked me to join her for a morning with Tiger Peterborough and the New College Stamford Fashion Department how could I not jump at the chance!

Not only is Tiger a FiveinOne family favourite (Antonia the yodelling flamingo is still going strong!) but a chance to hang out in the fashion department is my ideal day!

The New College Stamford fashion department had a brief to decorate bras for all the fabulous ladies completing the Moonwalk and Tiger Stores, Peterborough, kindly donated a big bag of gorgeous goodies to give the students a helping hand.

It was such a lovely chilled morning, crafting is soooo relaxing! Becky, the Tiger Store Manager bought along some really lovely goodies from necklaces to feathers and ribbons, even some fab little light weight glue guns that came in very handy.

The students from the year 1&2 fashion department worked hard to create some really glam bras, some of them giving up their break and lunch sessions to keep going.  Here's a few of the bras that were made:

It took me all morning to create mine and I have to admit, I did turn into a bit of a perfectionist trying to make sure each side was symmetrical!

During the bra decorating Becky informed us about the short turnaround of stock in Tiger (which is why you have to buy it when you see it, I'm still gutted I missed the oil tablecloths) so the end of line stock they have left over is donated to local groups and the Peterborough store also have crafting events in the local shopping centre which I'll definitely look out for!

I'm really pleased to have had the opportunity to join in, if you'd like to find out more about the Moonwalk follow the link below:

Thanks for reading!

Love MrsH xxx