

About Us

Musings of a Mr & Mrs and their three daughters. UK family - Real ale, food fancier, fire pit Father - Gin drinking, dressmaking, fashion loving Mother - Three music loving, creative crafting, booking reading, dancing daughters - Livy, Kpops & Peachy Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Monday, 25 January 2016

FiveinOne going green

Our mummy has been reading a blog called smallhousebigplanet.com and it has inspired us to become a more Eco friendly family.

We are having an 'ecover' and have made a list of what we can change in our house and things we do at home : 

•Reduce plastic bags and use shopping bags
•pass on our books after reading 
•Reduce amount of paper we use
•power down days to reduce energy 
•think about packaging before we buy
•Meatless Monday 
•try zero food waste 
•Reuse or give to charity instead of throwing away 
•Growing plants and vegetables 

Our first project is to reuse these wardrobe doors and turn them into a herb garden.

Thanks for reading, we'll keep you posted on how we are doing.
Bye for now 

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool. We're really just starting this journey ourselves. It's so nice to have company from you and those lovely children. That planter looks like it will be ace! Good luck! smallhomebigplanet
